Bag filters

Bag filters are Area Impianti’s most well-established product. The experience accumulated over the years across various applications has enabled the company to develop solutions that make it possible to improve the efficiency and reliability of the bags, reducing the frequency and associated cost of maintenance operations to exceptionally low levels.


The ALL IN ONE range combines optimised dimensions with clear advantages in terms of installation time and cost. The (round or oval-shaped) bags are always positioned vertically, with positive consequences in terms of durability, the efficiency of the cleaning process and the level of safety in the event of maintenance.


The chosen filtering medium is always appropriate for the specific nature of the flue gas in question, making it possible to guarantee dust levels even below 1 mg/Nm3.

Area Impianti’s filters can be sub-divided into cells, ensuring easy access to all of the components subject to maintenance, thus reducing downtime.

Even when featuring excludable cells, the filters continue to provide efficient ON-LINE cleaning with compressed air: an electronic sequencer manages the blowing cycle of the bags, keeping all of the cells open, thereby fully exploiting the available filtering surface area.


The PPOD cleaning system makes it possible to calibrate the pulse pressure for the cleaning of the bags to match the actual level of dirt; this allows users to boost effectiveness, save energy and enhance the efficiency of the reagent deposited on the bags.